Membership Committee


ACMLA Membership Information

Terms of Reference:

Reporting Structure:

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To create and accurately maintain a list of members which:
    1. classifies members by category
    2. includes only fully paid-up members as of April of each year
  2. To provide copies of the membership list (and/or mailing labels) in the following situations:
    1. provide the Secretary or Past-President with a list of full members to be used by the Nominations and Elections Committee (in December)
    2. provide 2 copies of the updated list of full members to the Secretary or the Nominations and Elections Committee for mailing of the ballots (first week of April)
    3. provide the Bulletin editor with an alphabetical listing of ACMLA members in the following categories (for publication):
      1. full, associate, student and honorary
      2. institutional
      3. exchange
      4. legal deposit
      5. as required by the ACMLA Bulletin editor.
      6. as required by the ACMLA Board
      7. as required by the Conference chair
  3. To provide an updated list of all members in good standing, with categories of membership and a total number of full and honorary members, for the purpose of determining quorum at the Annual Business Meeting. The identification of members constituting quorum shall be the responsibility of the chair of the Membership Committee if he is in attendance at the Annual General Meeting. If he is not in attendance, it is his responsibility to ensure that the First Vice-President has sufficient information to determine quorum at that meeting.
  4. To create appropriate bilingual membership renewal forms, and to send the forms (2 copies, 1 to be returned with payment) to all classes of members near the end of each membership year (i.e. December). This mailing will also include a bilingual form listing ACMLA Committees in which a member can participate.
  5. To create appropriate second notices (bilingual) advising members that March 31 is the deadline for payment and that their names will be deleted from the membership list. This notice should also present an opportunity to indicate reasons why the members may not be renewing.
  6. To send out appropriate receipts to those who have renewed, and ensure that their name and addresses are correct on the membership list; to report to the Treasurer on monies received and other items of interest to the Treasurer.
  7. In response to new memberships received, the Committee will send out the following items:
    1. a receipt of payment
    2. notice President of new member so they can send out a welcome letter.
    3. notice to the Publications Officer that those issues of the Bulletin already sent out during that membership year are to be sent to the new member.
    4. notice to Bulletin editor to include a new member announcement in upcoming bulletin.
    5. the Committee should ensure that the new member's name is added to the membership list. If the Committee knows of other mailings to members, they will forward the new member's name to those concerned, so that new members will receive the mailing. (This is especially important for the Nominations and Elections Committee).
  8. The Committee should actively seek new members, and send out mailings to prospective new members in consultation with the Board.
  9. The membership list of the Association will not be made available to interested parties for payment. It is, however, published in the Bulletin.
  10. To keep the ACMLA-ACACC-L listserv current for full, student, and honourary members by adding, deleting, or editing members as needed. This list resides at LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UOTTAWA.CA