CARTO/ACMLA Conferences
- 2024 - Halifax, Nova Scotia
- 2023 - Calgary (University of Calgary)
- 2022 - Virtual conference
- 2021 - Virtual conference
- 2020 - Victoria (University of Victoria)--CANCELLED
- 2019 - Hamilton (McMaster University)
- 2018 - Montréal (McGill University, Concordia University, and Université de Montréal)
- 2017 - Vancouver (Simon Fraser University)
- 2016 - Fredericton (University of New Brunswick)
- 2015 - Ottawa (Carleton University & Université d'Ottawa)
- 2014 - Montréal (Bibliothéque et Archives Nationales du Québec & Université du Québec à Montréal)
- 2013 - Edmonton (University of Alberta)
- 2012 - Toronto (Ryerson University)
- 2011 - Québec (Université Laval)
- 2010 - Guelph (University of Guelph)
- 2009 - Wolfville (Acadia University)
- 2008 - Vancouver (University of British Columbia)
- 2007 - Montréal (McGill University)
- 2006 - Ottawa (with GeoTech 2006)
- 2005 - St. John's (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- 2004 - Winnipeg (University of Manitoba)
- 2003 - Victoria (University of Victoria)
- 2002 - Toronto (University of Toronto)
- 2001 - Montréal (McGill University)
- 2000 - Edmonton (University of Alberta)
- 1999 - Ottawa (with ICA, organized by NAC)
- 1998 - London (University of Western Ontario)
- 1997 - Saskatoon (University of Saskatchewan)
- 1996 - Halifax (Dalhousie)
- 1995 - Vancouver (University of British Columbia)
- 1994 - Guelph (University of Guelph)
- 1993 - St. John's (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- 1992 - Calgary (University of Calgary)
- 1991 - Ottawa (with National Archives of Canada
- 1990 - Montréal (Université de Montréal)
- 1989 - Regina (University of Regina)
- 1988 - Peterborough (Trent University)
- 1987 - Charlottetown (University of Prince Edward Island)
- 1986 - Kingston (Queen's University)
- 1985 - Winnipeg (University of Manitoba)
- 1984 - Fredericton (University of New Brunswick)
- 1983 - Vancouver (University of British Columbia)
- 1982 - Ottawa (Public Archives of Canada)
- 1981 - Halifax (Dalhousie University)
- 1980 - Edmonton (University of Alberta)
- 1979 - St. Catharines (Brock University)
- 1978 - Victoria (University of Victoria)
- 1977 - Montréal (McGill University)
- 1976 - London (University of Western Ontario)
- 1975 - Sackville (Mount Allison University)
- 1974 - Toronto (University of Toronto)
- 1973 - Banff (Banff School of Fine Arts)
- 1972 - Ottawa (Public Archives of Canada)
- 1971 - Toronto (University of Toronto)
- 1970 - Vancouver (University of British Columbia)
- 1969 - Québec (Université Laval)
- 1968 - Edmonton (University of Alberta)
- 1967 - Ottawa (Public Archives of Canada)