Tools and Useful Links
GIS Tools
- Procedures
- Conversion Tools
- FME software (Academic license & Free demo)
- GeoKettle (Open Source)
- Spatial Data Integrator (Open Source)
- Viewers
- List of free GIS viewer (GIS Lounge)
- GIS and Libraries
- Bibliography (McMaster University)
- Cataloguing Tools
- Map Cataloguing Manual
- Library of Congress G Schedule
- MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data
- Core level Cataloguing for Non-Serial Cartographic Materials
- Cataloging & Processing (WAML Map Libarians' Toolbox)
- AMICUS (Registered Version)
- Library of Congress Cataloging and Acquisitions (Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate)
- MAGERT Cartographic Resources and RDA (ALA Online Forum)
** Requires account for posting comments and questions **
- Metadata
- Geospatial Metadata Tools (FGDC)
- Geospatial Metadata Tools (FGDC)
- ISO Metadata Editor Review (FGDC)
- Coordinates Issues
- Gonzalez Article (2007): "Problems that arise when providing geographic coordinate information for cataloged maps."
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names Editorial Guidelines
- Lat/Long Conversion
- Background Documents of the BCC
- Map Cataloguing Survey 2004 Report
- Cataloguing Notes BCC (2003) (ACMLA Bulletin 116, Winter 2003)
- Digital Cartographic Material: Report on Cataloguing Workshop held in Edmonton, AB May 2000 (ACMLA Bulletin 110, Winter 2001)
- National Union Catalogue of Maps (ACMLA Bulletin 108, Spring/Summer 2000)
- Cataloguing Notes BCC (1999) (ACMLA Bulletin 104, Winter 1999)
- Glossary of Remote Sensing Terms (Canada Centre for Remote Sensing)
- ESRI GIS Dictionary
- Geographical Names of Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
- List of gazetteers (Wikipedia)
Cartographic Citations Guides
- ACMLA Recommended Best Practices in Citation of Cartographic Materials
- Cartographic Citations
- Références à des documents cartographiques